I sometimes feel like I should do more blogging. But, I also feel like whatever I'd write would be but an unseen drop in a vast influencer ocean. So, why even bother? Needless to say, this is not helping...
@dabeaz blog whenever you feel like it. Those who find it interesting will add your RSS feed (you have one, right?) to their readers and will keep reading anything else you write.
@mdione Infrastructure for doing it is also an issue. Maybe it would work if I could put some kind of boundaries around it (for example, on the amount of time spent devoted to it).
@dabeaz ah, you don't have a blog already, right. You said 'more blogging', I misread it.
I currently have not much time and energy to blog, so I minimized as much a possible. I cogitate for a while; I record audios with the general idea, usually 10-15m; transcript with `whisper`; and then spend 1-2h editing and publishing it. I don't really consider the first two steps to use any time...