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Mi instancia de Takahē. Más detalles en mi artículo sobre el tema.

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OK, I think I have most of the YunoHost catalogue "scraped"; I have the version history of the applications on YunoHost, and the matching Git tag history for the related repos. Daily scraping should get this updated.

Next step is to set up publishing of the data for use by others, and some static website for easy browsing of this information.

Just added jj support to my package manager ( ).

It took me a long time to finally switch from Subversion to Git. But once I did, I never looked back. It will likely take me another very long time to switch to jj, but installing it is a first step :-p

I have some doubts about jj's governance, but I'm crossing my fingers the situation improves.

> Before achieving fame as a leading literary voice of the Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac aspired to be a sportswriter and already as a teenager had created a highly detailed imaginary baseball universe.

Kerouac ("En la carretera", icono de la literatura "beat") creo su propio universo exactamente a los 15, el mismo año en el que Tolkien publicó El Hóbbit. Pero el suyo era de... béisbol.

Dentro de mis monotemas, me descubren , que desconocía totalmente.

Nota mental: gnome-shell-extension-easyscreencast molaría bastante si no me hubiese grabado un vídeo con corrupciones del vídeo bastante chungas.

Quería pasar de Clipchamp, pero Debian no lleva tantas opciones alternativas. Y llevo meses en esta máquina sin haber instalado soporte para Flatpaks (que me parecen bien, pero me da palo).

Perhaps it's time to use this last hour before dinner to fool around with making a Visidata video. I learned it has interesting JSON support recently.

Small milestone of ; I have a deployment on my Kubernetes test host that scrapes daily the versions of YunoHost packages. The idea is to make it easy for people to assess how well updated systems like YunoHost are.

(For example, if you want to self-host Nextcloud, you could visit selfhostwatch, search for Nextcloud and view a timeline of updates across different self-hosting solutions.)

Chorrada mía: pues para mí, que el Fediverso (o cualquier sistema *abierto*) se imponga a Bluesky (o cualquier cosa cerrada) *sí* es importante.

Aunque mis dudas sobre si el microblogging es algo bueno persisten. Últimamente oigo cantos de sirena de comunidades *pequeñas* y no amasijos interconectados globalmente.

Pero en resumen: sí, voy a dar las brasas con mis opiniones sobre el tema "únicas y especiales" propias de cuñaos.

@zephyrfalcon I'm lately thinking that it's about making self-hosting easier. There's a ton of OSS feed readers, and there's stuff like YunoHost (and many others), but I feel nowadays it's harder for some reason for regular people to self-host. Many years ago I knew a lot of people who got shared hosting and ran Wordpress.

Nowadays, it feels that self-hosting your own blog for normal people is a fractal of complexity.

Comentaba en un hilo lo sorprendente del hosting en Hetzner. No se me ocurren maneras concisas de explicarlo que no incluyan un vídeo:

Usan torres normales en estanterías, no racks. No es un montaje habitual, aunque creo que Google y otras megaempresas hacen cosas similares. (Y seguramente otros hostings low cost también.)

Creo que cumple requisitos y no engañan a nadie, así que creo que es más sorprendente que otra cosa.